Learn Data Science

Nobody is too young for coding. Kick Start your journey for Data Science with deep insight of Coding ideas with Real Time Implementation. Fabricate information, learn programing language, dissect, picture information, and assemble Artificial Intelligence (AI) models. No related knowledge is required to learn Coding, AI or Internet of Things (IoT). This journey not only includes programing concepts but will indulge to create games, train the computer and learn about Internet of Things that you can easily understand, build yourself and see in action.

Lot of activities, assignments, quiz and projects at each and every stage.


Data Science


Learn "How Programming Works". Students will be introduced to Block-Based programming, to start their journey towards Data Science.
Learn the basic concepts involved in Coding like Variables, Loops, Functions, Condition, Bugs, etc.. Get involved in multiple activities that will help you understand the concepts in a playful manner.
Learn to code to change colours, text size and spin the characters.
Learn to create an underwater world and understand how to change the costume, glide and add sound to characters.
Learn to code to create sounds and songs. Build your own music project by pairing characters with sound to design interactive instruments.
Learn to code to make the characters move, talk and jump.
Learn basic concepts that are used in creating games by changing the positions of the characters and maintaining the scores.
Learn the concept of setting a character position, how to score and making multiple character fly.
Create a Pong game. Learn to create paddle, move ball and maintain the score based on conditions.
Learn and use programming tools to add text and voice to characters.
Learn and create project using different progamming concepts. Code to design an ECG machine and a talking computer.

Machine Learning

Learn how Machine Learning can be used to understand the intent behind a command and act on it.
Students will learn the importance of Data and understand that why Data Collection is important and needed.
Based on day to day examples, learn how to represent, visualise and interpret conclusions from a Data.
Learn and Create a Weather App to understand, how exactly Machine Learning model works and how it responds to the command.
Learn and understand what a Machine Learning life cycle looks like. Get introduced to the different stages involved in creating any Machine Learning model.
Learn to create a Machine Learning model to recognise compliments and insults. Understand the concept of Confidence Score and how it can help to make better predictions.
Learn to train the computer to recognise the sentiments behind tweets and how sentimental analysis is used to measure public opinion.
Learn to create a Machine Learning model to recognise images and train the ML model to play with images through supervised learning and image classification.
Learn to create a Machine Learning model to recognise text. Train the Machine Learning model to play with text that can sort letters for a post office.
Learn how to create a Machine Learning model to recognise sound and then take some action based on the speech input.
Students will learn some additional Machine Learning concepts like underfitting and overfitting, incremental training, crowd sourcing. These concepts will help to take better decisions and create better ML models.
Students will learn how to create a Machine Learning model to detect a face using facial recognition.
Identify a face by using concepts like image classification, facial recognition and supervised learning to create a Machine Learning model.


Students will be introduced to the concept of Internet of Things and how it is growing everywhere around us.
Learn and understand the device and it's components that will be used to build the IoT projects.
Students will be introduced to different type of sensors used in an IoT system. Learn to use different sensors to create programs like Flashlight, Fly a Balloon, Volume Detector and Smiley Wristband.
Students will learn how to create IoT based programs that includes building applications like Pedometer, Smart Lights, Typing Assistant, Wireless Remote Controller and Weather Reporter.